2021-11-04 19:39:59 +08:00
package wt
import (
wtReq "goweb-gin-demo/model/wt/request"
2021-11-04 21:45:07 +08:00
wtRes "goweb-gin-demo/model/wt/response"
2021-11-06 12:59:51 +08:00
2021-11-04 19:39:59 +08:00
type WtReportsService struct {
// CreateWtReports 创建周报
func (wtReportsService *WtReportsService) CreateWtReports(reportsVO wtReq.WtReportsVO) (err error) {
wtReports := voToRrports(reportsVO)
err = global.GLOBAL_DB.Create(&wtReports).Error
return err
// DeleteWtReportsByIds 批量删除周报
func (wtReportsService *WtReportsService) DeleteWtReportsByIds(ids request.IdsReq) (err error) {
err = global.GLOBAL_DB.Delete(&[]wt.WtReports{}, "id in ?", ids.Ids).Error
return err
// UpdateWtReports 更新周报
func (wtReportsService *WtReportsService) UpdateWtReports(reportsVO wtReq.WtReportsVO) (err error) {
wtReports := voToRrports(reportsVO)
err = global.GLOBAL_DB.Updates(&wtReports).Error
return err
// GetWtReports 根据id获取周报
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func (wtReportsService *WtReportsService) GetWtReports(id uint) (err error, reportsVO wtRes.WtReportsResult) {
2021-11-04 19:39:59 +08:00
report := wt.WtReports{}
err = global.GLOBAL_DB.Where("id = ?", id).First(&report).Error
reportVO := reportToVO(report)
return err, reportVO
// GetWtReportsInfoList 分页获取周报
func (wtReportsService *WtReportsService) GetWtReportsInfoList(info wtReq.WtReportsSearch) (err error, list interface{}, total int64) {
limit := info.PageSize
offset := info.PageSize * (info.Page - 1)
2021-11-06 12:59:51 +08:00
reportTable := global.GLOBAL_DB.Table("wt_reports")
err = reportTable.Count(&total).Error
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if err != nil {
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var reportsSearchBOList []wtRes.WtReportsSearchBO
if info.Page == 0 {
limit = int(total)
var reportIds []uint
reportTable.Select("`id`", offset, limit).Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Scan(&reportIds)
querySql := "SELECT id, user_name, send_to, header, contents, pictures, attachments, created_at, updated_at, cmc.comment_count "+
"FROM wt_reports "+
"left join (SELECT report_id, count(report_id) as comment_count FROM wt_comments WHERE report_id in ? GROUP BY report_id) as cmc "+
"on cmc.report_id = wt_reports.id "+
"WHERE 1=1 "
// 条件高级查询
if info.UserId > 0 {
querySql += " and id = " + strconv.Itoa(int(info.UserId))
if len(info.Content) != 0 {
querySql += " and contents LIKE '%" + info.Content + "%'"
if len(info.StartTime) != 0 && len(info.EndTime) != 0 {
querySql += " and created_at >= '" + info.StartTime + "' and created_at <= '"+ info.EndTime + "'"
querySql += " LIMIT ? OFFSET ? "
err = global.GLOBAL_DB.Raw( querySql, reportIds, limit, offset).Scan(&reportsSearchBOList).Error
reportsSearchResultList := reportsToSearchResult(reportsSearchBOList)
return err, reportsSearchResultList, total
2021-11-04 19:39:59 +08:00
//数据转换一下, 需要把json数据转换为字符串
func voToRrports(reportsVO wtReq.WtReportsVO) wt.WtReports {
sendToJson, _ := json.Marshal(reportsVO.SendTo)
contentJson, _ := json.Marshal(reportsVO.Contents)
picturesJson, _ := json.Marshal(reportsVO.Pictures)
attachmentsJson, _ := json.Marshal(reportsVO.Attachments)
wtReports := wt.WtReports{
UserName: reportsVO.UserName,
SendTo: string(sendToJson),
Header: reportsVO.Header,
Contents: string(contentJson),
Pictures: string(picturesJson),
Attachments: string(attachmentsJson),
return wtReports
2021-11-06 12:59:51 +08:00
// 批量转换 数据转换, 把字符串转换为json
func reportsToSearchResult(wtReportsList []wtRes.WtReportsSearchBO) []wtRes.WtReportsSearchResult {
var reportsSearchResults []wtRes.WtReportsSearchResult
for _, searchBO := range wtReportsList {
reportVO := reportToSearchResult(searchBO)
reportsSearchResults = append(reportsSearchResults, reportVO)
return reportsSearchResults
func reportToSearchResult(searchBO wtRes.WtReportsSearchBO) wtRes.WtReportsSearchResult {
searchResult := wtRes.WtReportsSearchResult{}
searchResult.UserName = searchBO.UserName
searchResult.Header = searchBO.Header
searchResult.CommentCount = searchBO.CommentCount
json.Unmarshal([]byte(searchBO.SendTo), &searchResult.SendTo)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(searchBO.Contents), &searchResult.Contents)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(searchBO.Pictures), &searchResult.Pictures)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(searchBO.Attachments), &searchResult.Attachments)
return searchResult
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// 批量转换 数据转换, 把字符串转换为json
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func reportsToVOs(wtReportsList []wt.WtReports) []wtRes.WtReportsResult {
var reportsVOList []wtRes.WtReportsResult
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for _, report := range wtReportsList {
reportVO := reportToVO(report)
reportsVOList = append(reportsVOList, reportVO)
return reportsVOList
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func reportToVO(report wt.WtReports) wtRes.WtReportsResult {
reportVO := wtRes.WtReportsResult{}
2021-11-04 19:39:59 +08:00
reportVO.UserName = report.UserName
reportVO.Header = report.Header
json.Unmarshal([]byte(report.SendTo), &reportVO.SendTo)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(report.Contents), &reportVO.Contents)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(report.Pictures), &reportVO.Pictures)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(report.Attachments), &reportVO.Attachments)
return reportVO